For those of us who put our faith in mathematical descriptions of the universe rather than speculative intellectual exercises, here is a reminder of some well known wisdom. Through the lens of science. Yet it is very relevant to some of the social political conversations taking place in the world today (including in the CNVC trainers network if any of you reading this are in some form or other connected to that small but growing network)… I will let you decide for yourself how/if it applies and/or relevant for you.
[An 18 year old student (yes, ok, hardly a baby, but a wise young woman instead) explains theory of relativity and ends with a resounding conclusive statement thats useful for social, political or psychological realms and for social justice minded folks especially]
Simple Explanation of the Theory of Relativity
From 2.39 till end is my favorite part of this little video:
“The really mind blowing idea here is that observers from different reference frames will see different versions of reality. And every observers frame is equally valid. So before you start making any observational argument with others, first imagine observing through their reference frames”
An idea worth thinking about.
Of course, “equally” here means in the realm of theoretical validity, not in a moral or political sense as it often is used. In my view, its a good idea to be able to see/understand the other person’s frame of reference in order to understand/connect with the person. And its important to understand/be able to articulate one’s own frame of reference for clarity and for contribution to the whole. Most of all, it is crucial to know that there are necessarily very different frames through which human beings experience the world and it is a matter of social location (some of the ways in which this currently shows up are race/ethnicity, class/caste, gender, ability/disability and other group affiliations). To the extent that we have (and have had for centuries) a world order that gives priority to some of these groups over others and therefore people with affiliations to certain groups have had more or less possibility to speak/be heard/be part of decision making, etc., I would say, we need to compensate for this historical and current inequality by prioritizing based on ideas of equity rather than operate under the illusion of equality.
See below pictograph for equity/equality distinction:
Wishing all a mind and heart opening New Year 2018
While “everything is relative”, there are different possibilities available from looking from different perspectives. That doesn’t mean any one perspective is more “right” than any other, but it does mean that there is potential value from looking from many different perspectives, in order to discover what’s possible from various points of view. This way, various possibilities can be considered before taking action.
Hi Jeyanthy, I enjoyed your blog- clean and clear. I am mourning for all
of us how much energy/intention it takes to get even close to understanding
and honoring what another may be feeling.
I watched Hillary’s next video, on Path Integral. My favorite quote (at
3:30 minutes): “Only those constructive, coherent, harmonious, and
synergistic interactions survive and thrive.” Hopeful and pointing the way!
Thank you Harriet for reading and taking the time to write.
And yes, I love the second quote as well. And indeed, it points the way.
Thanks for sharing, Jeyanthy.
It helps me see the difference between equity and equality! ( I always thought equity meant: being the same )And I recognize the different references, from which we see and speak. I hope we will learn how to step into one anothers shoes for a moment, to inquire, to ask, to sense before responding!